Finding art in every day living.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Little To the Right

This was the first Jumper I had tried to capture. It was by chance that my son had spotted the lil guy on the way into the zoo. As soon as he pointed it out I was down and trying my best to get the equipment together to shoot the jumping spider before it took off. After watching a video by Thomas Shahan I knew these lil guys are very curious but at the moment I was all wrapped up in getting the one good shot. Well, next thing I knew this bugger takes a liking to my lens. I was not expecting to see him take a flying leap at the camera. If you have ever seen a spider in macro jump at you they get very large very quick. Needless to say I dropped the lens and was up in a matter of milliseconds dancing all over the place. The reason for dropping the lens. I was doing reverse lens photography. A technique where you take the lens off the camera turn it around backwards and hold it in place. If you decide to shoot these guys..Get a revers ring adapter cause I guarantee you this.. They will jump to the lens.


  1. All I can say is...I am cracking up and I wish I had been there to see it. Yep...been there, done that and I gotta tell you. You got an amazing shot in spite of it all. I love when a guy can admit to squealing and jumping around like a girl! lol;-)

  2. HaHaHa, Well I have to admit I was doing just that. I actually dropped the lens when he took a leap. Lucky for me they attach a life line before a jump. I had dogged it just in time but was tossing the lens around like a hot potato. People at the zoo got to see me dancing around while making a noise I cant even describe. My son thought it was pretty funny.
