Finding art in every day living.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Home At Last

It is so good being home. We have about a week and a half left before we have to head to VA. I am already dreading it. It will be exciting to get there and see somthing new. I am looking foward to starting work at the Medical University there. It has been a while since I have got to work in such. Any how, the image I had taken one morning after we got up to a fantastic breakfast. I did not realize how much I had missed souther style cooking. It is so good to be home and it will be short lived. This is what makes comming home great each and every time.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Going Home

Today we head home. It is my last day in Maryland , Washington DC area. I will be off for approx 2 weeks to visit friends and family and I have never been so ready. After the two weeks I will be going to VA for 3 months. The trip home is quite a few hours but its well worth it. The fact that I come from the hills of NC the macro photograph above reminded me of home. I was not able to see the fall colors this year to which I am accustom. When one gets to see fall at the Blue Ridge Mts. you cant help but to be inspired. With that being said wish us a safe journey. I'm going home.  

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Lil Bug

This day I was extremely bored. I decided to give a go at some reverse lens photography. This I had learned from reading on a post on Google+ from a very nice and awesome photographer Roni Delmonico. She has all the info you should need on her about page on how to do this. Any how, I was out in the yard laying flat waiting on some ants to come marching by. I turned a bit to the left and there lil bug was. As I had focused on this guy he slowly turned his head to his right as if to say " Here get my good side" so I did. The funny thing was my wife did not know what I was doing for I had slipped out of the house. While I was out there I hear off in the distance. " Hey what in the Hell you doing?" I just held the camera over the top of my head and I hear "OH" She makes me laugh....


This shot is one of my favorites. My son and I had decided that after work (on my birthday) that we would head down to the stream behind our temporary home in Silver Spring MD.  He was learning HDR at the time and I thought I would set up for an HDR shot. I was very very surprised at how clear this shot turned out after post processing. I do recall that on the way back home my glucose level had dropped and it made for a very shaky walk back home. It was during this lil excursion that I have come to realize, I am not as young as I use to be. In watching him climb up and down the rocks and hills I was able to remember what that was like. I do miss it so...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Little To the Right

This was the first Jumper I had tried to capture. It was by chance that my son had spotted the lil guy on the way into the zoo. As soon as he pointed it out I was down and trying my best to get the equipment together to shoot the jumping spider before it took off. After watching a video by Thomas Shahan I knew these lil guys are very curious but at the moment I was all wrapped up in getting the one good shot. Well, next thing I knew this bugger takes a liking to my lens. I was not expecting to see him take a flying leap at the camera. If you have ever seen a spider in macro jump at you they get very large very quick. Needless to say I dropped the lens and was up in a matter of milliseconds dancing all over the place. The reason for dropping the lens. I was doing reverse lens photography. A technique where you take the lens off the camera turn it around backwards and hold it in place. If you decide to shoot these guys..Get a revers ring adapter cause I guarantee you this.. They will jump to the lens.